About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Apparently, the Plague has descended upon our house.

It started out quietly enough. The Toddler wasn't sleeping too well, so ended up sleeping with me on Thursday night (thus the 'sleeping with someone's feet in my face' blog).

Friday, we rolled out the Pop Up (I need a name for this creature) and headed to Urbanna VA to stay at BethPage Campground.

We were in the overflow area since it was Labor Day weekend. Nice enough. Spacious over there and quiet. When we rolled in, I was concerned because we were in the overflow. But it turned out to be an awesome option after the second day of witnessing the rest of the campground.

A few problems with this resort:

A LOT of campsites...not much room. I mean PACKED in there folks. The overflow looked like we had upgraded.

The bathhouses are in the residential sections. Now someone explain that one for me...its a residential section. These people have permanant sites. Clearly, they have porches and patios, satellite dishes, outbuilding, signs saying 'Welcome to the Jones' party shack!' and all that...I'm pretty sure THEY have a bathroom. The rest of us folks who rolled in towing our shell of a house behind us, we don't have bathrooms, or we only have a closet for a bathroom that only one person in the family can use at a time. We spent more time hiking to the bathhouses than anything else. Fun with a potty training three year old. And even if we hadn't been in the overflow, we would have been walking forever. Clearly, they don't want you to pee here.

The showers have pull cords. Uhm. Yeah. That didn't work out so well the first morning when I was attempting to take a shower, one handed. So I devised a plan for the second day and found a use for the sixty gazillion white shopping bags I have accumulated. Fill it half full of water, tie it on the pull cord...voila! Shower free handed.

Out of control kids...everywhere. On golf carts, terrorizing other kids at the playground. Seriously...I broke up two fights at the playground because a bunch of tweens couldn't keep their hormone/caffeine/sugar rages under control. The Husband and I just rolled out of there.

Don't try to rent a golf cart on a busy weekend. The clerk said 'twenty minutes before one would be available'. An hour later, she announced to the waiting crowd, that there wasn't going to be any that day. Uh. You didn't know that an HOUR ago? Ah well, we just schlepped The Toddler in his wagon all over creation.

The pool was very nice, the splash area was pretty cool. The lake was nice and The Toddler loved playing on the sand. The campstore was well stocked, and they wide variety of BethPage resort wear will tempt even the most eye-rolling campers into buying something. I did not however.

We even took the 25 cent trolley into the Town of Urbanna to browse around. Riddle me this...Labor Day weekend...high tourist season...and half the shops are closed or not going to open until later in the evening. Really? So we ate ice cream at Cross Street Coffee House and wandered back down the street to catch the trolley.

The Toddler was THRILLED to ride a bus, and the drivers were super nice. We got a tour, a brief history, and it was just fun.

The Toddler did not nap...which was clue number one.

I had popped a chicken in the crock pot to cook for dinner, and will say, that turned out very nicely. The Toddler didn't eat. Which was clue number two.

Our neighbors were super cool. The built a bonfire on Saturday night and had a bunch of friends and neighbors (who were camping too) over for a big bash. It was a lot of fun and everyone was really concerned about how our Toddler was going to sleep with all that noise. He didn't care. Once I took him inside and popped open the DVD player, he didn't notice the party at all. They shut it down at quiet hours and we were golden.

Until the next morning...when The Toddler and I woke up with snot. Lots of snot. He wheezed out 'I wanna go howwwwmmmme'....so we packed up and rolled out. We were all tired, I wasn't feeling good and we were planning to leave Sunday afternoon anyway.

I needed coffee..since we had left filters and creamer at home...so The Husband pulled over so I could run back into Cross Street Coffee . Let me say...those baristas can make a mean double shot latte and cinnamon rolls. Give them a try if you are ever in town.

Realy...I mean...my coffee this morning tastes like sludge compared to theirs.

The Toddler snotted and sneezed all the way down the road, and refused his cinnamon roll (last and final clue something was up). So we decided we better have him checked out. Wheel into the Kids Med clinic in Richmond, to discover more kids with snot and sneezing. Greeeat.

He has strep. Yay. So we are all chilling and resting today. And I am taking the antibiotics I had stashed last time I was sick. I know I know...you aren't supposed to do that...oh well. I feel like I have been hit by a truck...sue me.

The pop up is popped up out in the driveway to air out and dry out, there are piles of laundry to be done, and I don't care. Making an effort to do anything is just too much.

And by the way...my coffee tastes like sludge.

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