About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Plague upon Our House

Ok...so the Husband was SICK.

Then after he left...I was SICK.

I thought for sure...that the Toddler Tween was safe, since it had been so long since all the illness had started in our house. 

I was very very wrong.

Toddler Tween started coughing a little last Friday. 

I would stop and listen.  Nah, just drainage cough...yeah, that's it. 

It can't be the Plague.

Then he was ok on Saturday.

Then the deep barking cough started on Sunday.

I immediately pulled the nebulizer and all of its components out of the closet and started his trusty Pulmicort treatments.  Double the strength.  Twice a Day.

Monday he's Ok..

Tuesday...he's coughing more.

And the cough got worse.

And worse.

So after my Surgeon appointment on Wednesday, we drove to the Pediatric Urgent Care place and saw a Doc. 

She listened, they Xrayed...kiddo had bronchitis.  Keep doing what I am doing.

Thursday...the cough was really bad when I picked him up from daycare.  His teacher said he had had a rough day.

He did ok on the ride home, and we went to dinner for some Chicken Fettuccine with Broccoli.  One bite and he informs me 'I need to 'fro up'

We race to the bathroom, and get there in the nick of time.

Poor guy.

Once we were done, and I cleaned him, and the bathroom up...I hurriedly made our way back to our table, informed my mother she was taking him out to the car...practically boxed my dads dinner while he still had a forkful and we got out of there. 

He was fevered.

Of course he was....he was coughing up his toes...

The pediatrician was closed for the Holiday weekend...goodie. 

Let's see what happens overnight. 

I left him home with my parents on Friday while I went to work for part of the day. 

My mom reported he wasn't eating, coughing up his toes, and still running a fever. 

Once we shut down the office, I picked him and my mom up and back to the Pediatric Urgent Care and guess what...



So Toddler Tween has been on 'Roids for a few days, and mega doses of an antibiotic....and lots and lots of breathing treatments...he's doing ok today...four days later.

Just how I wanted to spend Memorial Day weekend...playing lots and lots of Play Doh.

I depsise playing Play Doh. 

I'm so sick of Play Doh.

But it keeps him occupied...thankfully.

He is doing better though...

I won't be sending him to Daycare tomorrow...one more day of 'stay at home in my pajamas' and I will feel more comfortable.

It'll take one coughing jag and him puking...and I'll get the call to come and get him because he is throwing up.

Deployment Disaster Number One.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BOO. Hope he's better now.

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