About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Making plans

I must be honest when I say I am having an all out anxiety attack over my New Life Plans.

I am quitting a job that I have now been employed at for TEN years...today was my 10 Year Anniversary by the way.  I nearly cried all day.  It's just really weird to hear your own Boss talk about your Replacement to another Co Worker.

Really weird.

And I cleaned out  my desk while I had some time to do it today.  The box is in the trunk of my car. 


I am going to school for a certification that I hope will land me a job making a semi decent salary.  I am really only looking for $12-$14 an hour...nothing extravagant.    I mean really.  I have lots of office experience.  I'm professional.  I'm friendly.  Who wouldn't want me?

I hope someone wants me.

I need to be Wanted.

I am hoping for a job closer to Home...with decent hours.

I am moving my Kid out of a Really Nice Daycare/Preschool and into a New Daycare/Preschool.

I have toured one daycare.  I was not impressed.

I have appointments with three others tomorrow.  Possibly a fourth, if the other three do not impress me.

I am hoping to be Impressed.

I need to be Really Impressed.

I have also decided to throw my Voice into the ring and hope to land some voice over jobs and make a little extra dough on the side.  One of my co workers is going to fix up a MP3 file for me to submit to a few local agencies.  I've been doing them for fifteen years for whatever station I have been currently working for.  So I guess that means I have some experience.

And I worked in Radio for a long time.

I am hopeful.

I am scared witless.

I think I have lost my bloody mind.

Actually...I KNOW I have lost my bloody mind.

Who in their right mind would do this?  Leave a job with a good salary, good benefits, and a great company that doesn't give you crap about doctors appointments or personal issues? 

Other than the Helluva Commute and the issue with Toddler Tween going to school in a few years...and the fact that I am Burned Out...I guess no one.

I'm nuts.

Oh yeah...and The Husband is officially Over There.

A phone call from an Ireland Airport is about $55 and from Germany around $75.   $35 connection charge and about $10 a minute.  International Phone Cards Suck.

It is what it is .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will all be better in the end. It will all be better in the end. It will all be better in the end. It will all be better in the end.

YAY for life changing decisions! Hope you find a daycare that you like.

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