About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Freaking out a bit...

I see my therapist on Tuesday, so this is rather timely.

I am freaking out over The Husband coming home.

I really really am.

I had planned on him being gone until April or May, and to know that there is a 99.8% chance that he is coming home at the end of January is still effing with my mind.

Our budget has been reworked, and it is totally doable.

I've reworkd the budget and it is still doable.

Guess what...I reworked the budget, and it is still doable.

I'm still spazzing...because that is what I do best.

I tried living on our tight budget this pay period, but it got blown all to crapola when The Husband had to pull $100 out of the account of some expenses.   Then Kiddo busted out of his last pair of Stride Rites, so the trip to Shoe Carnival for a new pair turned into a $55 venture.  I will say, I got two pairs of Skechers, 10% off and they were Buy One get One Half Off.  Oh yeah, and then I had to register him at his back up daycare for the days that his Preschool is closed for weather/elections/random bullshit.  That was $75.   Craaap.

So, back to square one.  We have savings to dip into if needed, just like we will after The Husband gets home.

But what if I don't get a good job?  What if no one wants to hire me because I am 'overqualified'?  That is a TRUE fear.  That people will see my work history and KNOW that I am uber qualified, and not want me because they think I will be asking for too much money.  I KNOW that I won't be making what I made before, ever again, and I am super dooper ok with that.

So I spent yesterday at the Library listening to Calculator Boy, American to Italy Foreign Exchange Student chick, and Chick Who Asked WAY Too Many Questions Study.   While I was listening to them lament about the SATs (sweet God....what I wouldn't give to have that be my only problem in life)...I redid my resume.

I dumbed it down.

I did.

I took out duties.  I left out responsibilities.

I made me sound pretty average.

And I printed out twenty of them, along with a bubbly upbeat 'excited about a new career!' cover letter and sent them to local physician's offices in hopes of a part time position.

Because I am absolutely not dealing well with not having a job. 

I'm freaking terrified. 

Even though our checkbook is comfortable, and the bills are all nicely paid.   We have savings.

But I am NOT CONTRIBUTING!  I feel useless and honestly, I am getting a little bored.

I drop off Kiddo...run to class.  After class I eat lunch while I work on classwork.  Then I go to the YMCA for an hour and walk on the treadmill.    Then The Husband calls and we talk on my way to the library.  Then I'm at the library for an hour or more working on class work.  Pick up Kiddo, and home.

Fridays I am off.

Which is KILLING me.  I don't like having this many days to do nothing with. 

Yes, I study, and clean, and sort....laundry, groceries, etc.

It's hard to explain.

But I am a little over not having a job.  

I know I know...I am not wasting time.  But still.....


But today we went to the Pumpkin Patch for a little friend's birthday.  If you remember Sweetie from many many posts ago. 

He had a blast...and busted his lip...but he's fine now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would probably be going stir crazy myself. Especially with the hubs not at home.

Ugh. reminds me we need a Stride Rite visit as well.

And what a cute place for a fall birthday party!

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