About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Almost there...

One more week of Freedom for Kiddo...Then Kindergarten begins.

Thus begins Homework, Teacher Conferences, Lunch Room Drama, After School Activities, etc etc etc.

I'm not sure I am ready for this.

I'm seriously having a bit of an anxiety attack over it.

What if they bring home Algebra?  What will I do?!  I can't do Algebra, nor Geometry. 

I know they won't bring that kind of work home for a few years, but I am still sweating it.

I cannot break down in tears in front of my child at the kitchen table over an acute triangle.  

That and Ratios.   Holy crap.  Ratios are closer than Algebra.

Can we rewind just a notch? 

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