There are days that The Hubby and I do not get along. Today is one of them. He's two hours away at drill and sick. So he's not nice right now.
I took The Toddler to get some new shoes (i.e. spent about half a paycheck on new shoes for wide foot funny toed boy). Apparently my cell did not pick up his calls. So when I do get his call, I get reamed from the first second about where I have been and why I haven't been answering the phone.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me?
What the hell?
Yup, it was my full plan for today to not answer your calls. But to answer three from my mother complaining about my father. One from a neighbor and one from another annoying relative.
But I just decided not to answer the calls from the father of my child, the husband I have claimed for over 13 years, and he's two hours away. Nope, I purposely wrote you off my phone list. Plus, I have just dealt with a crabby toddler for the entire day who decided two steps outside the Stride Rite store that he did not want those $40 shoes...he wanted his old ones...NOW. RIGHT NOW. RIGHT FREAKING I AM GOING TO THROW A MELTDOWN FIT ON THIS SIDEWALK NOW.
And I don't like being talked to like I am two.
So I hung up...let's try this shit again.
Second attempt at a conversation was much better....thank you very much. I'm not two, I don't purposely not answer the phone (not from him anyway), and we can act like adults here.
Which brings me around to...
But how bad does it have to be to call it quits?
The Toddler and I attended a birthday party yesterday for one of his old classmates. The family situation is odd to say the least. Mom and dad divorced when he was still an infant...they are amicable, but he's just crazy. I mean can tell by looking at him. C reeee py.
The IL's...oh dear lord. She wins hands down in the passive aggressive crazy inlaws department. That old crazy woman made more snide comments disguised as 'helpful' in a one hour period that I have ever heard in a weekend from my mom or MIL. I mean really, I was about to call her down and I didn't even have a dog in this hunt. You at least hide your crazy when strangers are around. She didn't...I think she was just a little nuttier.
It would definitely have to be that bad. I could see where she was coming from when she packed her crap and left that situation. I really could see it plainly. I didn't need flashing arrows or blinking lights. She had all rights to get the heck out of that one.
Then the family across from The Toddler and I at lunch today. Clearly not amused with one another, trying to work out their visitation/after school/activities/crapload of stuff with the Blackberrys and date planners. Really, the first twenty minutes they were there, they didn't even acknowledge the kids...just argued right there. And I wasn't eavesdropping...believe me...tried to drown them out by listening to the overly loud swing music the restaurant was playing. They were that loud.
When the food came, they complained about everything. The coffee...the chicken...the dip...the this...the that. No wonder they weren't happy together...they weren't happy with anything.
Do people have too high of expectations? What happened the day after the wedding, when most of us are just beaming with new joy and this whole new life ahead (I said MOST...not ALL)...did you wake up and say 'oh shit, this is gonna suck...he snores'?
What happened? What happened to that person that made your heart go pitter patter and all that mess? What happened to 'I do' to that whole list of crap you agreed to at the altar?
I guess I don't know...I'm happy with my Husband. We get on each other's nerves...but he's my best friend. I can't imagine not having him to complain too about little petty crap. He knows me for the real bitchy me on the inside, and the helpful smiling twerp on the outside. He knows I am sarcastic, and try to find some humor in situations. He knows that I am not serious when I exclaim out loud that I understand why some animals eat their young.
We love each other...and in the old phrase "you take the good and you take the have them both and there you have the facts of life...the facts of life"
Now that I have planted that theme song in your head...have a good one!
About Me
- Seriously....Me.
- Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
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