About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

To Kill a Camera

My inlaws purchased the Hubby and I a new camera for Christmas. It's nice enough looking, and really fast return after a picture is taken.

However...the prints are crappy...grainy...blurry, and unfocused. I can't, for the life of me, get decent pictures out of this camera.

I'm picky about my cameras. I took photography in high school and college. I've had photos published. I have them mounted and framed in the house. I take pride in my photos.


This is not the camera I have had my eye set on. No where close.

I want a fast speedy mac daddy camera.

Alas, those fast speedy mac daddy cameras cost an arm and a leg...so I have been getting by with a little digital that takes awesome photos for something so small.

But back to the piece of crap we own that I can't take back without hurting someone's feelings.

I've been plotting it's death for a long time. Ever since I couldn't get it to take a close up picture of ANYTHING. I can't zoom in and get a good photo. I get unfocused BLUR. NO matter what I do.

I change the settings.

I change this, I change that.

I cuss.

No change...just blurred crappy picture.

I wanted to drop it off the cruise ship back in April...take the memory card first of course. I didn't.

I wanted to leave it on a bench in Florida, take the memory card first of course. But I didn't.

I've wanted to drop it.

I've wanted to run over it.

I've wanted to just make it diiiieeee.

Well...I managed to kill it.

And I didn't plot it in anyway.

We gave the Toddler his birthday present from the Hubby and I before the flock of grandparents and all that mess descend upon our house tomorrow.

I found a steal of a deal on a Hot Wheels Lightning McQueen that he can drive on Craigslist. Super sweet and he loves it. So we played in the driveway with it this evening.

I left the camera on the front steps.

We had a thunder storm.

You fill in the blank.

It is DEAD. DROWNED. DEAD. FINALLY. I stripped it of the memory card and the batteries, and let it lay open on my counter top.

I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't more dramatic than that...but glad I can move on and get a new one with the inlaws being all upset and all that mess. They won't even notice. I plan on the 'oh, I left the big camera at home, hope I have one in my glove compartment, oh I do!' scenerio this weekend.

Should I play Taps or something...or just let the moisture well up in its screen and toss it at the next electronic recycling place I find?

Farewell you gigantic piece of fancy looking you could have been so cool junk.

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