I know his tail is tired of making the commute to Daycare everyday. And he has been sure to totally lay on the guilt because of it . "Mommy...I don't want to go to School today...I want to stay home with you" I have to keep explaining that I am not staying home. That I am at my office, right down the street, all day...every day. And I feel awful...but if I don't work...well, no fun things. He doesn't get it.
In all honesty, I kind of don't get it either.
So The Husband and I decided to just Stay Home yesterday. No errands with him. He can stay in his pajamas all day too. And he did. All day.
The Dog had to go to the vet twice...that was my job. Once to have stitches removed, then back to have his incision stapled after it popped open when we got home. Just what I wanted to do.
Then I cleaned like a maniac all day and put The Husband to packing away knick knacks and junk before the cleaning lady starts in two weeks. If she saw his side of the bed where he stores all of his 'stuff' in the back corner near the wall, she was going to charge me more.
The Husband hauled off the trash and recycling while I was putting The Toddler down for a nap. And then he and I sat on the couch and watched Indiana Jones...and there was NO ANIMATION at all during the movie.
After a very long Stay at Home Day, as the Toddler dubbed it...we painted. There is nothing more thrilling to The Toddler as me getting out the huge roll of leftover map machine paper from The Husband's job and the masking tape. Then we lay out about four or five feet of it in the dining room floor.
And we have a blast.
The Toddler is starting to draw and paint things that looks like real Things...and its kinda cool...
Then he painted his name...which was really cool.
I have a picture of his name written in the sand while we were at the Beach.
I had to cut out the smiley face and the name this time and save them.
1 comment:
YAY for stay at home day. Especially for stay in your pajamas day! The paintings are precious.
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