Clerk is ringing out my Easter cards, and stamps, and obligatory Peanut Butter Eggs and Caramel Eggs. She knows The Husband is in the Army from prior conversations...asked if he was leaving anytime soon...
Me: "Yes...in a few weeks...he's going over to (insert war zone here)"
Clerk : "Oh! I'll keep you in my prayers"
Me, as I am gathering up my purchases..."Thanks"
Clerk 2...out of nowhere "Is he Army?"
Me: "Yes" Putting receipt in pocket...
Clerk 2...'How long will he be gone?'
Me, still gathering and stuffing stuff in bags "A year"
Clerk 2.."What?! My fiance is Army. Is this what I get to look forward to?" And then she stomps her foot.
I stopped and just looked at her. Uhm...duuuuuuh.
Me: "Probably" Insert shrug.
Clerk 2: "I couldn't stand having him gone so long. What will I do?"
Me: "You go to work, you keep busy"
Clerk 2: "You can't go with him?!"
Me...trying super super hard not to make a 'duh' face at her..."No, they don't let spouses go to XYZ or XYZSTAN"
Clerk 1 starts to look at Clerk 2 like she has just lost her ever loving mind.
Clerk 2: "What are you going to doooo!?"
Me: "Get up, go to work, take care of The Toddler, keep busy"
Clerk 2: "You have a kid! I just can't do that...be alone so much!" Insert another foot stomp.
Clerk 1 scowls at Clerk 2.
Really? Really really really? Sweetie...realllyyyy?
Me: " Let's head to work! Have a great one!" As I go out the door.
What in the hell?
One: Poor girl is in for a RUDE awakening.
Two: Poor guy is in for a RUDE awakening.
Three: Yeah, I hope the best for them.
Four: Again...What in the hell?
I hope she was young and blonde. That would at least explain the DUMBASS.
I know I don't know you but I just had to comment on this, my sisters husband in a marine and was just deployed for the fifth time in his 7 yrs (so far) and my sister has never once whined and cried about what she's going to do while he's gone! That girl, like you said, is in for a rude awakening! Who the heck did she think was over there fighting for her freedom? Everyone but the army?!
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