About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Envelope please....

It's Monday and I got the envelope on Saturday.

In all of the hullabaloo of unpacking a sleeping toddler from the car and working on uploading the pics I took at the Birthday Party, I didn't open the mail.

I discovered the letter this morning in the bottom of my 'crap bag' that I lug around with goldfish, random mail, some wipes, a change of clothes for the kiddo, etc. I don't schlep it into places, it just stays in the car and gathers 'crap'.

Oh crap (again, must be my word for the day) I didn't open it.

It's from the hospital where I had my Mammary Mashing (as a reader called it). It's good news right? Otherwise I would have gotten another call from a very sweet soft spoken nurse who thought I was going to freak out on her. She would have gotten a freak out if I had gotten another call.

But then again, they could have called and I missed it. The Husband is not the best at letting me know about phone messages, and I will admit, I scan the caller ID before I check voice mail. Right now our voice mail light is blinking at our house, and has been all weekend. I know it is my mom...she can just wait in digital voice mail land. I've already talked to her about the issue and I don't feel like doing all the button pushing to make that light stop blinking...ya know!

Then again, I received four letters from them telling my first mammogram was abnormal and I needed further tests. FOUR. Yes, FOUR. I got the point folks!

So this could be the follow up letter to the follow up phone call saying I need to come back in.

So I open up the letter and scan it quickly for 'abnormal' 'cancer' 'masectomy' 'you owe us a gazillion dollars' etc.

Nope...my second round of smooshing and squishing came back NORMAL. NORMAL.

Who knew?

So I announced to The Husband...'Hey, I'm benign!' Cause I didn't think telling him I was 'normal' would suffice. I'm clearly NOT normal in the slightest.

But who is? I mean ...there is always Wheezy's family to aspire to.

So whew...I'm benign. The mole is benign, the boobs are benign. I think I need a haircut.

Oh yeah, and I sported my 'Fight Like a Girl' breast cancer awareness sweatshirt all day yesterday. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month...go get friendly with a machine girls!


Anonymous said...

UGH. I think I am going next week...

Seriously....Me. said...

Go for it! It's not that bad...and then you say you got all friendly with a machine! LOL!

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