About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

There's this sound....

There is a sound...that is absolutely GUARANTEED to wake a parent from a sound sleep...

It will wake the dead...

You will wake up in full combat mode.

Your feet will hit the ground and you will be running/or reaching towards that sound.

I bet you already know what that sound is...

The sound of....


Yup...4am comes pretty darn quick when the toddler sits up in bed and proceeds to throw up everywhere.  And he was sleeping with me since the Hubby is out of town on Guard duty.

Poor little guy wakes from a sound sleep, to sit straight up and just let it fly.  And then cry.  And then throw up some more...then cry some more.  And then fuss that I am changing his soaked pajamas and making him put on dry ones. 

So my duvet and cover are in the dryer (that thing is a BEAST to dry)...the sheets are waiting their turn...and he is pretty much surrounded  by every towel I own.  He's even using a lovely green and white striped one that I have as a blanket as he lays pitifully on the couch watching a DVR'd Barney and Friends.

The kicker...Sister in law and her Hubby are here visiting for the weekend.  She's nearly 8 months pregnant.  I am hoping she doesn't pick it up.  I had the stomach virus twice when pregnant...Zofran was my friend.

So I have sent them to Food Lion for some Gatorade (special juice for the Toddler) and some Jello to see how we get through today.  The Hubby will be home later this evening, so this little shopping trip will help get me through the rest of the day.  I guess I need to reup my stockpile from last year next time I go to the store.

So we will just plop our tails on the couch and wait this out...surrounded by towels and pitiful faces.  And proceed to root through the cabinet to find Hubby's old prescription of Zofran that he got during his kidney stone bout.  I told him to fill it and hang on to it.  Now to find it.  I hate throwing up.

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