About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

It's been forever

It's been absolutely forever since I sat down and blogged...again.

I think I wrote this apology a few months ago...might as well copy and paste again. 

Working 40+ hours a week, having a five year old that is constantly wanting my attention...and regular life...I just want to sit and stare when I have a few moments of peace.

The Husband I were talking the other day about our dream weekend.  His is some kind of sports car touring weekend...I started hearing blah blah blah increased insurance rates...blah blah blah.

I just point blank looked at him and said.  My perfect weekend would be a giant bag of Doritos, a six pack of very cold bottled Diet Mtn Dew, and a good book.  With silence.  No dog, no phone, no kid, no husband.  Silence.  I'd like to pee in peace.  Not have anyone tugging on me at every moment.   I constantly feel like I'm being touched all the time.

I feel tugged on at work.  Patients, Insurance, Pharmacies.  My Doctor is awesome.  I lurve her.

I feel tugged on at home.  The Husband and I try to have conversations, but I usually tune him out halfway through because Kiddo is yanking on my chain. 

The Husband and I are too exhausted and cranky.

Kiddo is full of energy.

We need a weekend away.

We did a Family Vacation and had a fun filled week at Disney World.  Awesomeness!

But The Husband and I need some time together.

By the way,  Kiddo has been Registered for Kindergarten.

O. M. G.

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