About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday Ramblings...

Todays ramblings…

1)  If you fail a drug test once at potential employer…and KNOW you are going to fail a retest…why do a retest?  Really.  Just walk away.  It’s a waste of time, and we are going to roll our eyes.  Guarandamnteed.  Why we allowed you a retest is beyond me, had to do with something from the lab saying they needed more info…but come on!

2)  Attempting to justify a fancy schmancy daycare/preschool on a budget that is potentially going to be a Single Income Budget next year is NOT justifiable.  No amount of figuring and refiguring and readjusting is going to create the magic number that you need.  Let it go and stick with the daycare/preschool that fits your budget for crying out loud.  He will be FINE.

3)  It is the UPS truck that keeps leaving oil stains in my driveway.  Received another delivery yesterday from Amazon (The Husband is ordering stuff and some cannot be shipped directly so I have to ship it for him) and there is a brand new stain in my driveway.   Urgh.  At least I have let go of the obsession about my car leaking the oil.

4)  Why a library has FOUR drop off bins, at their door, and none curbside is beyond me.  Yes, I know that walking is good for you…but the parking lot is a good distance from the building, and then add the elevated ramp to the door is an even LONGER walk.  In 115 degree summer heat…yes, my books are overdue.  They will be until the heat breaks. Probably tomorrow.  Thanks!

5)  I lost my mind and Friended my Mom on Facebook.  I am hoping that the newness wears off soon, or that she gets paranoid about who is watching her computer use and shuts her internet down for the thirtieth time.  This is getting old.  She keeps writing crap all over my wall…and has gotten into the ‘cut and paste’ status crap games.  Give me strength.

6)  Kiddo informed his daycare teacher, first thing this morning, that I threw away his dinner last night and he cried.  Yes, I sank into the floor and attempted to crawl under a table.   Sweet.   For the record: I threw away the CRUST of his grilled cheese sandwich.  He was DONE.  Away from the table and PLAYING!  HELLO!   And yes, he cried.  He threw an epic fit and tried to dig them out of the trash.  Awesome moment.  I win the ‘Worst Mommy in Kiddo’s Eyes’ Award.

7)  I am really going to miss my Housekeeper when The Husband gets back next year and the Budget Crunch begins.  I really am.  She’s awesome and amazing.  And I am going to have to scrub my own bathtub again. 

8)  I wish The Husband would consistently call at the same time every day.  I wait until he calls before I go to lunch.  I know he is busy, and working long hours, but I’m HUNGRY.  RIGHT NOW!   And I want to leave.   So I end up in the car, or in the middle of Target trying to hold the cell signal long enough to talk to him.  I know I have received a number of dirty looks because my phone kept ringing because the call kept dropping.  Oh well…they can just look.  They probably get to go home to Their Husband at night.

9)  Kiddo is Kiddo.  He’s making me insane with the inability to hear my voice.  I’m beginning to feel like the teacher on Peanuts.  ‘Wah Wah Wah Wahh Wah’

10)  Kiddo’s Fourth Birthday party is becoming quite a flop.  So far, I’ve sent out invitations to 12 kids.  So far, I have two RSVP’s.  Really?  The party is next weekend, so I will get the wave of RSVP’s on Friday.  After I gave them the date of Aug 10th to RSVP by.  Ridiculous.  People…you know whether you are coming or not.  PLEASE LET ME KNOW.  I have to give a list to the coordinator at the site.  Duh.

11)  Conversations with The Husband can be best described as Mundane As Hell.  He can’t talk about what he is doing at work.  My job is the same old same old.   Kiddo doesn’t want to talk to him 90% of the time.  There is nothing to talk about!  Nothing!  Plus, he shares a room with another soldier, so we can’t even have ‘private’ conversations.  Blah.  Blah. Blah.  I am very glad I get to talk to him…please don’t get me wrong.  It’s just AWFUL.  Lots of long silences.  Most of the time I look like ASS because I’m getting ready for bed when he Skypes in.  *sigh*  There is only so much you can talk about.  The weather (It’s Hot…It’s Hot Here too).  The Kiddo (he’s wild…yeah I see that).  The Dog (he’s laying down).  The House (everything is fine).  The Job( Same old same old). 

12) The No Caffeine thing is working out pretty well.   One of my Co Workers acted as my Mule and brought back 7 six packs of 16 oz bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Mtn Dew (not available to purchase in the states of VA nor WV) from North Carolina when he visited a few weeks ago.  The Decaf Coffee isn’t too bad.  And I am coping just fine.  Ice Water when I eat out…and one Caffeinated beverage a day and all is well.  My Mammary Mashing is scheduled for the middle of September.  We’ll see how it goes.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL at the mom on FB. Mine is on there too and oh geez...

Kinda funny about the throwing away his food...

Good luck on the booby squishing!

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