About Me

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Married to GI Joe, and the Mother to GI Joe Jr (whom is currently addicted to the Wonderful World of Superheroes), I'm a WV Hillbilly plunked down in a subdivision. I have a backyard garden, crazy neighbors, and a goofy dog that we love on Tuesdays. We love to travel and explore new things, so feel free to browse our life. Sometimes it is exciting, most of the time it is just life. But we are having a good time at it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So proud

Each year, The Husband and I really enjoy buying gifts for Toys for Tots

When I was working, The Coworkers all agreed to bring in a present for Toys for Tots rather than buying mugs for each other...again.  It worked wonderfully!

Even SIL (Sister In Law) and her Husband have gotten in on the act, much to The Mother In Law's disappointment.  SIL and I do not buy gifts for each other...just a little something for the kids.  Mother In Law wants us to OPEN PRESENTS.  She cannot stand that we do not buy for each other.

I'm sorry...the last thing I need is another set of towels...and SIL agrees.

So we just ignore Mother In Law.

Last year she tried to undermine and told me that SIL was buying us something and told SIL that we were buying something. 

Funny...SIL and I talk on a weekly basis.  We figured the trick out fairly quickly.

But back to the story...

This year, since The Husband is currently unavailable...Kiddo and I went shopping.

Now...here's the trick.

Try to explain to a Four Year Old Kiddo that Santa cannot bring all the toys that a child asks for.  That Mommies and Daddies sometimes would like to buy their Kiddos presents, but have no money.

I'm not sure how much of my explanation sunk in, but we decided to hit Toys R Us tonight after I picked him up from Preschool.

At first, he wanted to buy something for himself.

I will admit, I had to relent.  He DID take his Augmentin without a fit, so he got a small Thomas train to add to his collection.

Once I was able to refocus him, we were off!

First he picked out a Thomas Take Along set with the barn.

Then he decided skateboards were cool.  He picked out a Tinkerbell skateboard and a HotWheels skateboard. 

Over to the HotWheels sets he went...he decided on a Hot Wheels Shark Jump set...because Sharks were scary...and cool.

When we hit the girls section...my child decided that 'all the pink is making me cough'.

Yes...he said that...

Over and over.

'There's a lot of princess stuff mom.  The pink is making me cough'

'I don't like pink mom.  It's for girls.  It's making me cough'

I thought one fellow shopper was going to wet herself to keep from laughing hysterically.

But he did end up picking out an ultra cool electic guitar and piano...Buy One Get One Half Off!

I added everything up...and we were over $100 slightly.

I had a $10 coupon...

At the register, the clerk listened nicely as Kiddo exclaimed 'we bought presents for other boys and girls!' as he then proceeded to list them...

I don't think she believed me when I told her to leave them unbagged, I was dropping them all in the bin.

Checked out...pushed the buggy to the bin to do our drop off...

And as Kiddo and I were starting to unload and lift the items up and over...

"Mom!  I have to go Potty!  Now Mom!" as he starts the pee dance...crotch grabbing and all. 

I envisioned him puddling in the floor...Oh. Gawd. No.

I quickly hoist the rest of the presents into the bin...hoist him into the buggy and made a mad dash for the restrooms at the back of the store.

We made it in time.


Reminder...pick up an extra toy during the Holidays and drop them in the Toys for Tots bin.  Make some child's Christmas morning a little brighter this year!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's pretty awesome of you! And "the pink is making me cough" is hilarious!

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